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31.05.03 Стоматология (Dentistry — реализуется на 1-2 курсах на английском языке, 3-5 курсах на русском языке) (для приема иностранных граждан)

Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет Институт фундаментальной медицины и биологии

О программе

Язык обучения Английский

Форма обучения Очная

Срок обучения 5 лет

Вступительные испытания Биология (Fundamentals of Human Biology)Иностранный язык (english)

Бюджетных мест 0

Платных мест 75

Стоимость обучения,
рублей в год
515 940

Узнать больше

Проходной балл 2023

На контракт 160


Цель программы

The purpose of the program is to develop students’ personal qualities, to form the competencies in accordance with the federal state educational standard of higher education in the specialty 31.05.03 «Dentistry», which determine the graduate’s ability to active social and professional activities, social mobility and sustainability at the job market

Вы получите

  • Skills in collecting and statistical analysis of information on the indicators of dental morbidity in various age and gender groups of the population and its impact on health

  • The ability to diagnose dental diseases, pathologies and emergency conditions

  • The ability to provide dental care in outpatient hospital settings, as well as participation in providing medical care in emergency situations

  • Skills of conducting an examination of temporary disability and participation in other types of medical examination

  • Skills of teaching patients basic hygienic measures, contributing to the prevention of dental diseases and health promotion

  • Application of the basic principles of the dental care organization in medical organizations a

  • The opportunity to participate in solving research and scientific-applied tasks in the field of healthcare

Ключевые дисциплины


  • Anatomy
  • Histology, cytology, embryology
  • Pathological physiology
  • Biochemistry
  • Preventive dentistry
  • Therapeutic dentistry
  • Surgical dentistry
  • Maxillofacial orthopedics
  • Cariesology and diseases of hard tissues of teeth
  • Orthodontics

Научная деятельность

  • Creation and clinical testing of new nanomaterials, cellular technologies in dentistry and implantology
  • Development of competitive domestic dental implants based on the use of nanostructured implantation materials
  • Study of the integration patterns of dental implants depending on the material, structures, age characteristics of the patient
  • Development of new technologies for prosthetics on dental implants using three-dimensional modeling
  • Optimization of diagnostic, planning and treatment methods in patients with post-traumatic deformities of the craniofacial region
  • Optimization of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of children with complex congenital malformations of the dental system

Базы практик

KFU Multidisciplinary dental clinic

Multifunctional Dental Clinic is capable of receiving up to 14 thousand visitors per year. The clinic is equipped with modern equipment, including ergonomic dental units with modern built-in functions for the treatment and prevention of dental diseases, microscopes that allow for the treatment of hard-to-reach and impassable channels, perform operations at the microsurgical level, a computer dental tomograph for accurate diagnosis of all diseases of the bone tissue of the maxillofacial region, a modern Cad-cam system, allowing the manufacture of precision prostheses with an accurate level of fit, two types of lasers, an anesthesiological complex, equipment for a dental laboratory with the ability to manufacture prostheses at any request of the patient and many others

Dental clinic No. 9 Azino

The clinic performs all the services of world dentistry, from caries treatment and dental cleaning to complex operations: implantation, total prosthetics and insleep treatment. It includes 8 clinics and more than 200 doctors, 4 own dental laboratories

Dental center "Implantstom"

The clinic is equipped with advanced diagnostic and therapeutic equipment of German manufacture, modern painless dental treatment and implantation technologies are used


Hafizov Rais Gabbasovich Head of the Department of Dentistry and Implantology

Yakimova Julia Yurievna Associate Professor of the Department of Dentistry and Implantology

Ruvinskaya Guzel Renadovna Associate Professor of the Department of Dentistry and Implantology

Hafizov Irek Raisovich Associate Professor of the Department of Dentistry and Implantology

Международное сотрудничество

  • Kanazawa University


  • College of Life Sciences and Technology of Xinjiang University


  • Juntendo University


  • Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Immunology


  • Abuali Ibni Sino Tajik State Medical University


  • Urgench branch of Tashkent Medical Academy



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