О программе
The ITIS bachelor’s program is a focus on industry requirements in basic university training. It trains practitioners who, from their studentship, participate in real projects, work as part of companies, and organize their own start-ups.
Students are specialized in:
- Development of Enterprise Solutions (Java, .NET)
- Data analysis and artificial intelligence
- Data Engineering, Database and Cloud infrastructure
- Web Development (Backend development (Java, .NET, Python, Ruby on Rails, PHP), Frontend development (JavaScript))
- Mobile Development
- Intelligent Robotics and IoT Basics
- Virtual and Augmented Reality, 3D Modeling, Game Development
- Systems Analysis, Business Analysis
Язык обучения Английский
Форма обучения Очная
Срок обучения 4 года
Вступительные испытания Иностранный языкИнформатика и ИКТ (Informatics and ICT)Математика (Mathematics)
Бюджетных мест 0
Платных мест 19
Стоимость обучения,
рублей в год
Проходной балл 2023
На контракт 79
Цель программы
Training of qualified personnel in the field of digital technologies together with partner companies
- capable of implementing project activities and digital transformation
- focused on lifelong learning
- capable of creating new knowledge, domestic digital technologies and products, capable of working in R&D departments
- focused on constructive, creative and business activities
- members of digital culture and culture of working with data